Friday, March 11, 2011


A  very common plant in Palamau area is tree of kadam.
It's description
Botanical name : Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale (Adina cordifolia Hook. f. ex Brandis)
Family : Rubiaceae
Girikadamba, Haridru, Haraduakadamba, Gaur-kadamba, Girikadamba, Dharakadamba, Pitadaaru, Kadambapushpa.
Rasa    : Kashaya, Tikta
Guna   : Lakhu
Virya   : Seeta
English     :     Yellow Teak, Saffron Teak, Haldu
Hindi        :      Kadami, Haldu    
Malayalam    :     Manjakadamb, Malankadamb.
A moderate sized deciduous tree grows up to 35 m in height. Leaves large, cordate, abruptly acuminate. Flowers yellow in globose pedunculate heads; fruits capsules, splitting into two dehiscent cocci, seeds many, narrow, small, and tailed. 

Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, inflammation, urinary retention, wounds and ulcers    Burning Sensation in Urine

Decotation of Haldu or kadam bark and Aonla (Emblica officinalis) bark is prepared and kept in glass bottle. One glass of decotation is taken  orally.Twice daily for 5 days.  skin diseases, biliary colic, infection, dysentery, fever and burning sensation. 
  Bark of tree have been used as antiseptic.
 Useful part    :    Bark, Root. 
Other use : heart wood is used as timber plant as substitute of teak
The heartwood contains indole alkaloids; bark 7.27–9.27% tannin. The leaves contain ursolic acid and quercetin.

 Sauce of fresh green leaves is used in food.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Jharkhand is rich not only below earh but also above earth.If we have largest depostion of ores ,we are also rich in vegetation and forests.Jharkhand especially palamau could have been a hot spot for medical tourism.If govt. give attention by merging tourism with medical treatment.Our today plant is Artocarpus lakoocha (Moraceae).It is  is a widely used medicinal plant by tribes  of Jharkhand, India for the treatment of many diseases. It is common in Betla national park area

Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. (Hindi: Dahu, Barhal, Beng. Dahu, Sans. Lokoocha, Eng.: Monkey Jack) tampang and other similar native names in Malaya; as lokhat in Thailand. The tree is 20 to 30 ft (6-9 m) tall with deciduous, large, leathery leaves, downy on the underside. Male and female flowers are borne on the same tree, the former orange-yellow, the latter reddish. The fruits are nearly round or irregular, 2 to 5 in (5-12.5 cm) wide, velvety, dull-yellow tinged with pink, with sweet sour pulp which is occasionally eaten raw but mostly made into curries or chutney. The male flower spike, acid and astringent, is pickled. Reviews of the records in both, traditional and scientific literature, indicated that Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. have many medicinal uses. The bark in powder form is applied to sores to draw out purlement matter. The seed and bark of the plant are reported to be effective in the treatment of stomach and liver disease. The various compounds have been isolated from the plant such as cycloartenone, cycloartenol α- amyrin and leupeol acetate.   
Using DPPH and Ferric Ion Reducing properties investigated the antioxidant activity of the plant.
Studies shows that  the heartwood extract of A. lakoocha may have a promising potential for use as an effective and economical skin-whitening agent.IT is also used for spicy perposes in many parts of india like tamarind

Friday, March 4, 2011

date of 53rd to 55th BPSC PT

Every aspirant of 53rd to 55th combined BPSC exam is eagerly waiting for tentative date  of PT exam.As per information from sources the PT examination is going to be held on 10 April 2011.Administration of all districts of Bihar has been said to give list and capacity of exam centers in their area.So candidates be serious now and give your full attention.Only sad news is that BPSC have yet not declared the seat for administrative services.while PT of 4th JPSC will be held on 13 march 2011